Mazda Mazda6: Cruise Control

Mazda Mazda6: Cruise Control - Driving Your Mazda - Mazda6 GH1 / GH2 / GZ (2009-2013) Owners ManualMazda Mazda6: Cruise Control

With cruise control, you can set and automatically maintain any speed of more than about 32 km/h (20 mph).


Do not use the cruise control under the following conditions:

Using the cruise control under the following conditions is dangerous and could result in loss of vehicle control.

Steep inclines. Hilly terrain.

Heavy or unsteady traffic. Steep inclines.

Slippery or winding roads. Heavy or unsteady traffic.

Similar restrictions that require Slippery or winding roads.

inconsistent speed. Similar restrictions that require inconsistent speed.

Cruise Main Indicator Light (Amber)/Cruise Set Indicator Light (Green)

The indicator light has two colors.

The indicator light has two colors.

Cruise Main Indicator Light (Amber)

The indicator light illuminates amber when the ON/OFF switch is pressed up and the cruise control system is activated.

Cruise Set Indicator Light (Green)

The indicator light illuminates green when a cruising speed has been set.


To activate the system, press up on the ON/OFF switch.

The cruise main indicator light illuminates.

To deactivate the system, press down on the ON/OFF switch.

To deactivate the system, press down on the ON/OFF switch.

The cruise main indicator light turns off.


Keep the ON/OFF switch off when cruise control is not in use:

Leaving the ON/OFF switch on when not using the cruise control is dangerous as you may hit one of the other buttons and put the vehicle in cruise control unexpectedly. This could result in loss of vehicle control.

To Set Speed

1. Activate the cruise control system by momentarily pressing up the ON/OFF switch.

2. Accelerate to the desired speed, which must be more than 32 km/h (20 mph).

3. Immediately release the cruise control SET+/SET- switch by pressing it up

3. Immediately release the cruise control SET+/SET- switch by pressing it up or down when the vehicle reaches the desired speed. Release the accelerator pedal simultaneously.


- Release the cruise control switch at the desired speed, otherwise the speed will continue increasing while the switch is pulled up, and continue decreasing while it is pulled down (except when the accelerator pedal is depressed).

- On a steep grade, the vehicle may momentarily slow down while ascending, or speed up while descending.

- Cruise control will turn off if vehicle speed drops below about 27 km/h (17 mph) when cruise is activated, such as when climbing a steep grade.

To Increase Cruising Speed

Follow either of these procedures.

To increase speed using cruise control switch

Press up the cruise control SET + switch and hold it. Your vehicle will accelerate.

Press up the cruise control SET + switch and hold it. Your vehicle will accelerate.

Release the switch at the speed you want.

Your vehicle has a tap-up feature that allows you to increase your current speed in increments of 1.6 km/h (1 mph) by a momentary tap of the cruise control SET + switch. Multiple taps will increase your vehicle speed 1.6 km/h (1 mph) for each tap.

To increase speed using accelerator pedal

Depress the accelerator pedal to accelerate to the desired speed.

Depress the accelerator pedal to accelerate to the desired speed.

Press down or press up on the cruise control SET +/SET - switch and release it immediately.


Accelerate if you want to speed up temporarily when the cruise control is on. Greater speed will not interfere with or change the set speed.

Take your foot off the accelerator to return to the set speed.

To Decrease Cruising Speed

Press down the cruise control SET - switch and hold it. The vehicle will gradually

Press down the cruise control SET - switch and hold it. The vehicle will gradually slow.

Release the switch at the speed you want.

Your vehicle has a tap-down feature that allows you to decrease your current speed in decrements of 1.6 km/h (1 mph) by a momentary tap of the cruise control SET - switch. Multiple taps will decrease your vehicle speed 1.6 km/h (1 mph) for each tap.

To Resume Cruising Speed at More Than 32 km/h (20 mph)

If some other method besides the ON/ OFF switch was used to cancel cruising speed

If some other method besides the ON/ OFF switch was used to cancel cruising speed (such as applying the brake pedal) and the system is still activated, the most recent set speed will automatically resume when the RESUME switch is pressed.

If vehicle speed is below 32 km/h (20 mph), increase the vehicle speed up to 32 km/h (20 mph) or more and press the RESUME switch.

To Cancel

To cancel the system, use one of these methods:

- Pull down the ON/OFF switch.

- Slightly depress the brake pedal.

- Depress the clutch pedal (Manual transaxle only).

- Press the CANCEL switch.

- Press the CANCEL switch.

The system turns off when the ignition is off.


Cruise control will cancel at about 15 km/h (9 mph) below the preset speed (such as may happen when climbing a long, steep grade).