BMW 5 Series: Destination input

BMW 5 Series: Destination input - Navigation - BMW 5 Series F10 (2010-2016) Owners ManualBMW 5 Series: Destination input

Manual destination entry

General information

The system supports you in entering street names and house numbers by automatically completing the entry and providing entry comparisons.

Stored town/city and street names can be called up quickly.

▷ If the existing entries should not be changed, the entries for the state/province and town/ city can be skipped.
▷ Destination guidance is started to the town/ city center if no street is entered.

Entering a state/province

1. "Navigation"
2. "Enter address"

3. Select "State/Province" or the displayed

3. Select "State/Province" or the displayed state/province.

Entering a town/city

1. Select "Town/City/Postal Code" or the displayed town/city.

2. Select letters, if necessary.

2. Select letters, if necessary.

The list is narrowed down further with each entry.
3. Move the controller to the right.
4. Select the town/city name from the list.

If there are several towns/cities with the same name:

1. Change to the list of town/city names.
2. Highlight the town/city.
3. Select the town/city.

Entering the postal code

1. Select "Town/City/Postal Code" or the displayed town/city.
2. 3. Select the numbers. Select the symbol.
3. Select the numbers.
4. Change to the list of postal codes and towns/ cities.
5. Highlight the entry.
6. Selecting an entry.

Entering a street and intersection

1. Select "Street" or the displayed street.
2. Enter a street and intersection in the same way as you would enter a town/city.
If there are several streets with the same name:

1. Change to the list of street names.
2. Highlight the street.
3. Select the street.

Alternative: enter the street address and house number

1. Select "Street" or the displayed street.
2. Enter the street as you would the town/city.
3. "House number"
4. Select the numbers.
5. Change to the list of house numbers.
6. Select a house number or range of house numbers.

Street does not exist in the destination city/town

The desired street does not exist in the specified city/town because it belongs to another part of the city/town.

1. "Navigation"
2. "Enter address"
3. Select "Street" or the displayed street.
4. Change to the list of street names.
5. Select "In" the displayed country.

All streets of the selected state/province are offered. The associated town/city is displayed after the street name.

6. Select the letters.

6. Select the letters.
7. Change to the list of street names.
8. Highlight the street.
9. Select the street.

Starting destination guidance after entering the destination

1. "Accept destination"
2. "Start guidance" or "Add as another destination"

Add a destination as a further destination

Address book

Selecting a destination from the address book

1. "Navigation"
2. "Address book"

Contacts with addresses are displayed if these have been checked as destinations.

If the mobile phone does not display the contacts with addresses, they must first be checked as a destination

3. Select a contact in the list or, if desired, with

3. Select a contact in the list or, if desired, with "A-Z search".
4. "Business address" or "Home address"

Storing the destination in the address book

After entering the destination, store the destination in the address book.

1. "Navigation"
2. "Map"
3. 4. "Options" Open. "Guidance"
4. "Options" Open.
5. "Store as new contact" or "Add to existing contact"

6. Select an existing contact, if available.

6. Select an existing contact, if available.
7. "Business address" or "Home address"
8. Enter "Last name" and, if necessary, "First name".
9. "Store in vehicle"

Storing the position

The current position can be stored in the address book.

1. "Navigation"
2. "Options" Open<>.

3. "Store position as contact" or "Add position to contact"

4. Depending on the selection, choose an existing

4. Depending on the selection, choose an existing contact from the list. Select the type of address and enter the first and last names.
5. "Store in vehicle"

Editing or deleting an address

1. "Navigation"
2. "Address book"
3. Highlight the entry.
4. "Options" Open.
5. "Edit in Contacts" or "Delete entry"

Using the home address as the destination

The home address must be stored. Specify the home address

1. "Navigation"
2. "Address book"
3. "Home"

4. "Start guidance"

4. "Start guidance"

Last destinations

At a glance

The destinations previously entered are stored automatically.

The destinations can be called up and used as a destination for destination guidance.

Calling up the last destination

1. "Navigation"
2. "Last destinations"

Starting destination guidance

Starting destination guidance

1. "Navigation"
2. "Last destinations"
3. Select the destination.
4. "Start guidance"

Editing the destination

1. "Navigation"
2. "Last destinations"
3. Highlight the destination.
4. Open "Options".
5. "Edit destination"

Deleting the last destinations

1. "Navigation"
2. "Last destinations"
3. Highlight the destination.
4. Open "Options".
5. "Delete entry" or "Delete all last destinations"

Special destinations

Opening the search for special destinations

To select special destinations, e.g., hotels or tourist attractions:
1. "Navigation"
2. "Points of Interest"
3. Select the search function.

Online Search

1. "Google™ Local Search"
2. Select a special destination.
3. 4. "Start guidance" Select the symbol.
4. "Start guidance"

A-Z search

1. "A-Z search"
2. "Town/City"
Select or enter the town/city.
3. "Category"
4. Select the category.
5. "Category details"
For some special destinations, multiple category details can be selected. Move the controller to the left to leave the category details.
6. "Keyword"
7. Enter the keyword.
A list of the special destinations is displayed.
8. Select a special destination.
Details are displayed.
If multiple details are stored, you can leaf through the pages.
If a phone number is available, a connection can be established if necessary.
9. "Start guidance" or "Add as another Select the symbol.
"Start guidance" or "Add as another destination"
Add a destination as a further destination
"Start search": if a search term is not entered, the search is repeated with the previous search term.

Category search

1. "Category search"
2. "Town/City"
Select or enter the town/city.
3. "Category"
4. Select the category.
5. "Category details"
For some special destinations, multiple category details can be selected. Move the controller to the left to leave the category details.
6. "Start search"
A list of the special destinations is displayed.

7. Select a special destination.
Details are displayed.
If multiple details are stored, you can leaf through the pages.
If a phone number is available, a connection can be established if necessary.
8. the symbol. Select the symbol.
"Start guidance" or "Add as another destination"

Add a destination as a further destination

Display of special destinations

List of special destinations: special destinations are organized by distance and are displayed with a directional arrow to the special destination.

on the split screen, special destinations of the selected category are displayed in the map view as symbols. The display depends on the scale of the map and the category.

Destination entry via BMW Assist

A connection is established to the Concierge service

1. "Navigation"
2. "Enter address"
3. "Options" Open.
4. "BMW Assist dest. entry"

Displaying special destinations in the map

To display symbols of the special destinations in the map view:

1. "Navigation"
2. "Map"
3. "Options" Open.
4. "Display Points of Interest"
5. Select the setting.

Destination entry by map

Selecting the destination

1. "Navigation"
2. "Map"
The current position of the vehicle is indicated on the map.
3. "Interactive map"

4. Select the destination with crosshairs.

4. Select the destination with crosshairs.

▷ To change the scale: turn the controller.
▷ To shift the map: move the controller in the required direction.
▷ To shift the map diagonally: move the controller in the required direction and turn it.

Specifying the street

If the system does not recognize a street, one of the following is displayed:

▷ The name of a street in the vicinity.
▷ The county.
▷ The coordinates of the destination.

Additional functions

Additional functions are available on the interactive map after the controller is pressed.

▷  Select the symbol.

"Start guidance" or "Add as another Select the symbol.
"Start guidance" or "Add as another destination"
Add a destination as a further destination
▷ "Exit interactive map": return to the map view.
▷ "View in northern direction" or "View in driving direction"
▷ "Display destination": the map section around the destination is displayed.
▷ "Display current location": the map section around your current location is displayed.
▷ "Find points of interest": the search for special destinations is started.

Destination entry by voice

General information ▷ Instructions for voice activation system<>.

▷ When making a destination entry by voice, you can change between voice operation and iDrive.
▷ To have the available spoken instructions read out loud: ›Voice commands‹

Saying the entries

▷ the town/city, street, and house number can be entered as a single command.
▷ Countries, towns and cities, streets, and intersections can be said as whole words or spelled in the language of the system.
Example: to enter a town/city in a US state as a whole word, the language of the system must be English.
▷ Spell the entry if the spoken language and the language of the system differ.
▷ Say the letters smoothly, and avoid exaggerating the pronunciation and inserting lengthy pauses between the letters.
▷ The options available for entering data depend on the navigation data and the country and language settings.

entering an address using a command

1. steering Press the button on the steering wheel.
2. ›Enter address‹
3. Wait for a request from the system.
4. Say the address in the suggested order.
5. Continue making the entry as prompted by the system.
If necessary, individually name the separate components of the address, e.g., the town/city.

Entering a town/city separately

The name of the town/city can be said as a word or spelled out.

With the destination entry menu displayed:

1. steering Press the button on the steering wheel.
2. ›City‹ or ›Spell city‹.
3. Wait for the system to prompt you for the town/city.
4. Say the name of the town/city, or say at least the first three letters.
Depending on the entry, up to 20 towns/cities may be suggested.
5. Select the town/city.
▷ To select a recommended town/ city: ›Yes‹
▷ To select a different town/city: ›New entry‹
▷ Select an entry: ›Entry ...‹ e.g., entry 2
▷ To spell an entry: ›Spell city‹
6. Continue making the entry as prompted by the system.

If there are several towns/cities with the same name:

Towns/cities of the same name are grouped in a list and displayed as one location followed by an ellipsis.

1. Select an entry: ›Yes‹ or ›Entry ...‹ e.g., Entry 2.
2. Select the desired town/city.

Entering a street or intersection separately

Enter a street and intersection in the same way as you would enter a town/city.

Entering a house number separately

Depending on the data in the navigation system, house numbers up to number 2,000 can be entered.

1. ›House number‹
2. Say the house number.
Say each digit separately.
3. Continue making the entry as prompted by the system.

Planning a trip with intermediate destinations

New trip

A trip can be planned with several intermediate destinations.

1. "Navigation"
2. "Map"
3. Move the controller to the left if necessary.
4. 5. "Enter new destination" "Guidance"
5. "Enter new destination"
6. Select the type of destination entry.

7. Enter the intermediate destination.

7. Enter the intermediate destination.
8. "Start guidance"

Entering intermediate destinations

A maximum of 30 intermediate destinations can be entered for one trip.

1. "Enter new destination"
2. Select the type of destination entry.
3. Enter the intermediate destination.
4. "Add as another destination"
The intermediate destination is entered in the destination list and is highlighted.
5. Turn the controller until the intermediate destination is located in the desired position in the list.
6. Press the controller.

Starting the trip

1. After all intermediate destinations are entered, highlight the first destination.

If the second destination, for example, is highlighted when destination guidance is started, the first destination is skipped.
2. "Start guidance"
theThis symbol marks the active leg of the trip.

Store the trip

Up to 30 trips can be stored in the trip list. If necessary, delete existing trips to be able to store new trips.

1. "Options" Open.
2. "Store trip"
3. Enter the name.
4. "OK"

Select the stored trip

1. "Navigation"
2. "Stored trips"
3. Select a stored trip.
4. "Start guidance"

Reversing the direction of travel

Intermediate destinations are displayed in reverse order in the list.

1. "Map"
2. 3. "Options" Open. "Guidance"
3. "Options" Open.
4. "Reverse order of trip dest."

Intermediate destination options

1. "Map"
2. 3. "Display all trip destinations""Guidance"
3. "Display all trip destinations"
4. Select an intermediate destination.

▷ "Edit destination"
▷ "Reposition dest. in the trip": move an intermediate destination to another position in the list.
▷ "Delete dest. in the trip"
▷ "Go to next dest. in the trip"

Some options are not available for certain trips.

Delete the stored trip

1. "Stored trips"
2. Highlight the desired trip.
3. "Options" Open.
4. "Delete all trips" or "Delete trip"

Open the last trip

1. "Navigation"
2. "Stored trips"
3. "Last trip"
4. "Start guidance"