Ford Fusion: Driving through water

Ford Fusion: Driving through water - Driving hints - Ford Fusion (2006-2012) Owners manualFord Fusion: Driving through water

Driving through water


Drive through water in an emergencyonly, and not as part of normaldriving.

Engine damage can occur if waterenters the air filter.

In an emergency, the vehicle can bedriven through water to a maximum depthof 200 mm and at a maximum speed of10 km/h (6 mph). Extra caution should beexercised when driving through flowingwater.

When driving in water, maintain a lowspeed and do not stop the vehicle. Afterdriving through water, and as soon as itis safe to do so:

• Depress the brake pedal lightly andcheck that full brake function isachieved.

• Check that the horn works.

• Check that the vehicle's lights are fullyoperational.

• Check the power assistanceof the steering system.