Ford Fusion: Tyre care

Ford Fusion: Tyre care - Wheels and tyres - Ford Fusion (2006-2012) Owners manualFord Fusion: Tyre care

To make sure the front and rear tyres ofyour vehicle wear evenly and last longer,we recommend that you swap the tyresfrom front to rear and vice versa at regularintervals of between 5 000 and 10 000km (3 000 and 6 000 miles).

Tyre care

To make sure the front and rear tyres ofyour vehicle wear evenly and last longer,we recommend that you swap the tyresfrom front to rear and vice versa at regularintervals of between 5 000 and 10 000km (3 000 and 6 000 miles).


Do not scrub the sidewalls of thetyres when you are parking.

If you have to mount a kerb, do so slowlyand approach it with the wheels atright-angles to the kerb.

Examine the tyres regularly for cuts,foreign objects and uneven wear of thetread. Uneven wear could mean that thewheel alignment is outside specification.

Check the tyre pressures (including thespare) when cold, every two weeks.