Nissan Maxima: During a call

Nissan Maxima: During a call - Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems - Nissan Maxima A35 (2009-2014) Owners ManualNissan Maxima: During a call

There are some options available during a call.

There are some options available during a call.

Select one of the following displayed on the screen, if necessary:

Hang up:

Finish the call.

Use Handset:

Transfer the call to the cellular phone.


Mute your voice to the person.


Brings up a keypad; enter digits when needed.

For example, entering your PIN number for voicemail.


Pushing the TALK wheel during a call allows numbers and digits to be sent using Voice Recognition.switch on the steering wheel during a call allows numbers and digits to be sent using Voice Recognition.

Cancel Mute:

This will appear after the Mute key is selected.

Mute will be cancelled.

To adjust the persons voice to be louder or quieter, press the volume control switch located on the steering wheel switches or turn the volume control knob on the instrument panel while talking on the phone. This adjustment is also available in the SETTING mode.